Girl Crush. Tiffany Kunz

Last summer, I visited jewelry designer Tiffany Kunz at her studio for my post at Racked LA and while I was there I might have been bitten by the love bug. The first implication that I had come down with something was that feeling I got in my heart when she offered The Gubby and I (he was shooting the story) champagne as soon as we walked in the door. Then, after going through her design process, sketches, vintage chains and collections, I was HOOKED. Tiffany’s pieces are the perfect mix of dainty with a little more rough-around-the-edges feel, if you will. She designs everything from the perfect stacking rings, which she literally beats with a hammer to achieve the look, to crazy unique earrings and subtle statement necklaces (is that a thing? It is now). My clients have worn it, I’ve worn it, now hopefully my readers will too and we can all be one big, happy TK family. I asked the budding designer a few questions about her line and, paging Emily Blunt, this is your official invite to the party.

First of all, it’s been a few months since the Racked LA toast, what’s new at the Tiffany Kunz studio?

Yes, it has! That was such a fun day! We've just been busy bees, we have some wonderful additions to our team and have had some great growth since we last saw one another. There are new collections in the works for spring, incorporating stones, which are such a love of mine.

As you know, I’m a little obsessed with the Leith Earrings… How did you come up with that design?

Thank you!  This is a design from the Ellis collection, which was a collaboration with my best friend, Gena.  She has a unique perspective on jewelry, which made me want to collaborate with her.  The idea came from us playing around with our favorite shapes, sculpting with wax and thinking of different ways to wear jewelry.

Would you say you have a staple piece?

Yes! Right now its the Bold Arc Ring. I literally wear it every day. I love eye-catching jewelry but don't want to feel like it's wearing me, this ring is really comfortable but is still a statement.

Have you had any mistakes turn into a great piece? Or started making one thing and ended up with something else that was even better?

Haha! I feel like this is how almost everything I make goes. I love this part of the design process because you start with one idea but as you progress, it can change into something you never would have thought of but is so much better. One piece for example was the Basal Ring which is now our best seller. My plans for that ring were so different to start with, but how it came out in the end is so much better than I had imagined it to be.

What celeb would you like to see your designs on?

I really love Emily Blunt, she is just so beautiful and classy and her style is effortless. She and Diane Kruger get it right every time with the perfect mix of class and edge.

Silver or Gold?

Gold all the way, I love silver but it just doesn't look great with my skin tone.

You’re walking out the door and you are super late, what accessory do you grab?

The Linear necklace, its so easy to wear and I feel like it finishes almost any outfit perfectly. It's just enough to add the last touch without overdoing it.

And of course you already had something on...

The Bold Arc Ring or Bold Basal Ring of course, most likely the Peril Studs layered up and the Arc Cuff.

What song can you not turn off?

I'm pretty obsessed with everything that Twin Shadow does, especially Five Seconds and Golden Light.

And it comes full circle…What is your favorite after-work cocktail?

Oh this is such a hard question!  My husband and I love cocktails and he's an amazing bartender so typically whatever he's making I'm drinking.  I think my favorite drink of all time though is a whiskey sour with fresh lemon juice, whipped egg whites and a smoky scotch.

Shop Tiffany’s collections online at - you’ll get it.

WORDCatTiffany Kunz