Mazzy Provocateur

1. Agent Provocateur Mazzy Triangle Bikini Top 2. Agent Provocateur Mazzy Cutout Bikini Briefs 3. Boera Ropa 4. UNIF The Shadys Sunnies 5. Christian Benner Sex Pistols Custom Tee 6. Drinking and Dating by Brandi Glanville 7. Hawaiian Tropic Lip Balm 8. Stela 9 Santiago Patchwork Backpack 9. Khai Khai Dope Necklace 10. Jagged Chevron Beach Towel 11. Catarzi for ASOS Floppy Hat 12. One Teaspoon Paradise Trashwhores 13. ALDO Kivitoo Sandals

What I Wanna Wear Wednesdays

Can you feel it in the air? I could smell it for the first time two Fridays ago as I drove home from work with Bleachers’ “I Wanna Get Better” blasting and the windows down. That sweet, sweet house guest that inspires you to get up off your dunka and out to the gym; it's Summer y’all!! Ok well here in LA it is, for the rest of you…it’s coming and I’m letting you know, it is why we are alive (see what you have to look forward to).

The first thing Angelenos do when the forecast calls for 80 degrees or warmer is scramble to find the hottest bikini that’s available because the temps tend to sneak up around here. Last year I splurged on this Agent Provocateur two-piece and cannot wait to put it on this weekend. My swimwear style is a little more relaxed than a lot of fashion girls…while sundresses and wedges look reeeeeel cute, I always opt for my favorite pair of One Teaspoon cut-offs and some sort of distressed band tee or crop top. I am recently obsessed with Christian Benner (on several levels…hottie) and plan on bogarting his entire stock of custom tees. The top/short combo is also good if you want to lose a layer for lunch or a boat ride without being completely bikini-ed out.

I keep accessories to a minimal-as always-because I don’t want any unnecessary tan lines, so a simple necklace and some sort of hat or headwrap is my jam. Don’t forget a colorful bag to keep all of your stuff in; this must be big enough to include your latest read, picture ID, towel, iPod and SPF lip balm (chapped lips = not cute) but small enough that it is easy to tote all over town. Complete the look with an obnoxious pair of fun sunnies that can withstand a spill in the lake/pool/ocean and your drink of choice. Mimosa anyone?