Tencel Origami

Dress: Cameo // Shoes: Céline // Watch: Diesel (similar) // Necklace: My Monogram Necklace

Every so often you find a piece of clothing that does more for you than up your fashion game and keep you from walking around naked-sometimes you’re inspired and often designers remind us that fashion is a form of art. That’s what I remembered when I found this origami-ish dress on the sale rack and it fit (it’s always most inspiring when it fits). This Cameo dress is one of those pieces that can easily stand on its own but the right accessories are still extra important. I wanted to play off the vampy collar with a darker shoe even though black always lends itself to a pop of color in the heel. While I almost decided to keep the neckline bare because of the built-in folds, I instead added a hint of character with one of my nameplate necklaces; adding that piece draws more attention to the details without distracting away from them. I love this dress because a) it is really short and I like short, loose-fitted dresses on the daily but also because it can translate to winter wear with black tights and boots. The key is too keep it dark and play up the Count D factor, have some fun with simplicity.

Now I’m going to be honest, if I’m rambling today its because I’m on my last day of an intense, all-greens juice cleanse…which has meant no Pop Physique for me and no solid food, not even so much as an almond. I promised I would embark on this despite the need to function and prepare for NYFW and though I was only a restaurant decision away from breaking last night, I am not a quitter ;) My brain and I will happily check back in tomorrow.

images by Allen Zaki