Did Those Rips Cost ExtrA?


Bodysuit by Naked Wardrobe // Jeans by L'Agence // Jacket by Love Culture // Shoes by Carmen Steffens

Oh boy do I love a good statement jacket to throw on with a t-shirt and jeans, it might be my favorite thing after a crop top. This denim jacket with mesh holes was a steal from Love Culture and despite the heat wave we are having in LA (it’s going to be 99 in Malibu tomorrow y’all) it’s still a suitable piece for the evenings because of All. Those. Holes. There’s a lot going on with it so I try and keep things simple and sleeveless when I wear it with a dark bottom but I will occasionally step out with a mesh shirt underneath...not always one to believe that less is more. You dig?


images by Allen Zaki // websitewww.allenzaki.com